Maths Engagement Case Studies by intended audience
Case studies for specific audience groups:
Pre-school: from birth to starting school around 0-4 years old.
Primary or Elementary: in formal education around 4-11 years old.
Lower secondary or Middle school: in formal education around 11-14 years old.
Upper secondary or High school: in formal education around 14-16 years old.
Sixth Form or Junior College: in formal education around 16-19 years old.
Families (adults and children): mixture of children and their carers.
University students: in university education at any age.
Young adults: late teens to early twenties and not in formal education.
Adults: any age and not in formal education.
Retired: not in regular employment.
Case studies for audience interest levels:
Uninterested: sees maths as ‘not for them’.
Receptive: potentially open to maths but makes no particular effort to engage.
Engaged: enthusiastic about maths and actively seek out information and events.
Expert: professionals/insiders who are actively involved with mathematics.